2023 Walk About
Midway through October 2023, I traveled southwest towards western Arizona and the Burro Creek campground. The cottonwood trees were still green and it was a beautiful morning as I contemplated the coming adventures over the next three weeks. Arriving at the campground I found it, frankly, a POS; partly because it was closed for the winter. At least I’d satisfied my curiosity. Heading west from there on SR93, I came to a sign, “Burro Creek Crossing, 16 mi” so I turned off thinking, “Sixteen miles, how bad can it be?” Well, if you’ve never been lost in the desert, you have no idea…
The following 77 images were culled from more than one thousand frames, starting with that day and ending at Pt Reyes National Seashore. Enjoy!

Lost in the Desert

Burro Creek Crossing

Burro Creek Oasis

Just Junk

More Junk



Blue Yellow Yin Yang

Tehachapi Oak

Tehachapi Sunset

Tehachapi Hills

Fog Rolling In

Columbia River Gorge

Columbia River Gorge Tapestry

Forest Mystery

Trees in a Forest

Columbia River Bank

Latourelle Falls

Multnomah Falls

Lower Multnomah Falls

Upper Multnomah Falls

Waterfall Grotto

Multnomah Trees

Horsetail Falls

Mt Hood North Face

Mt Hood

A Point of Light

Columbia River Sailor


Trapped Leaf

Running Branch Creature

Not Yet Fallen

Beach Rocks

Beach Rocks Detail

Once Treasures

Wild Vines


Narnian Woods

Forest Abstract

Lake Crescent

A Golden Moment

Lake Crescent 2

Glimpse Through the Forest

To Hobbitville

Rainforest Magic

Ho Rainforest

Spanish Moss in Rainforest

Trees in a Forest

Fern Fancy

Where It Fell

The Young and the Old

Reflection of a Dying Tree

Alternate Route to Hobbitville

Beach Trees

Peace Be Still

And There Was Peace


Rialto Trees

Rialto Trees 2

Rialto Beach

Fallen and Falling Comerades

Still Standing

We Die Alone

But Not All

Light in a Dark Forest

A Ship, A Lighthouse, and Mt Baker on the Strait of Juan de Fuca

Beach Creature

Mom's Tree

Maple Kaleidoscope


Their Service Rests

Yellow Leaves

Autumn Leaves

Shasta Dawn

Cut Grass and Rock

Pt Reyes North Beach
