Whew! Over 500 images to classify, edit, and process. These can be seen on my website:
DavidEckelsPhotography.com (click to visit). The page contains a variety of shots from iconic red rock photos to some fun things from our hikes, visits to a Jerome junkyard, and a train ride up the Verde River Canyon. All were taken with the Nikon 800E using either my 24-120 FX or 18-200 DX Nikkor zoom lenses. Several of the photographs were enhanced by merging multiple exposures using HDR Efex Pro 2.

Lately, I have been reflecting on a book I am reading (and re-reading),
The Tao of Photography, recommended by
Hal Wallace, friend and mentor. The book is about seeing, but you'll have to read it to get what I mean. Anyway, inspired by
David Brookover, I am trying to get more Zen in my vision, to shift my view, my seeing, if you will. The photo at right seems to convey what I am trying to get at with words and it seemed like something Brookover might shoot. However, I didn't "see" it, my dad did; I just snapped the picture! I suppose it runs counter to "Zen thinking" to be so analytical, but analytical is what scientists are, so the technical details follow. This was taken with the 18-200 lense at 200 mm (f/8, 1/250 sec, ISO 800). It was cropped and converted to B/W using Nik Silver Efex Pro 2 in CS6. I will continue to "hunt" for those Zen images, but then if you hunt for it, is it Zen? LOL. It has sure been fun creating these and I hope you enjoy viewing them.