Faces of Inferno
These images are from a visit to Carlsbad Caverns NP in July of 2022. Descending lower and lower the light of day turned into gloom that was only pushed back by weak artificial lighting. In my imagination our path became the River Styx and thus it was not a surprise when I began to fantasize I was seeing the very faces of the damned. It was, to my mind, straight out of Dante! I have added a red-orange wash to each image to simulate the fires of Hell.
Click on the thumbnails below to see enlarged.

Abandon Hope

Wish I'd Listened

Following the Styx into Hades

Welcome to Penumbria

Mites and Tites

Awaiting the Dark Passage

Frozen in Stone

Faces of the Dead

Ghoulish Decay

Tortured Are the Damned

Dissolving Dead

Once a Rajah

Shredder and His Assistants

Shredded Flesh of the Damned


Warrior and his Slain


Souls Into Worms

Caterpillar Tycoon

Famous Politicians

Tit of Lust

Jabba the Hutt

Dance Around the Ashtaroth

Flaming Lust

Dead Kings

Stacked Demons

Guilty of Perversions

Better to Rule in Hell, eh?

Cleopatra's Folly

Once an Archangel

Rotting Flesh
