Hallside Gallery Showing

I hung my first show this week! Photos will be on display at the Hallside Gallery located on the A-level of the University of Utah School of Medicine April through May. The address is 30N 1900E, Room AC115. Limited paid parking is available in the School of Nursing terrace, but your best bet would be to park at the hospital and follow the A-level corridor as far as it will go to the south, then turn right. There are 28 pieces along with a book entitled "DavidEckelsPhotography.com 2009-2012, which is available for purchase through Blurb.com; contact me if you are interested as it must be special ordered. The book features about 125 photos, most of which can be seen on my website, DavidEckelsPhotography.com. If you come by the show, please give me a call or stop by the lab.

Coming soon: I have feedback from my NYIP instructor, Walter Karling, regarding my last assignment. I will summarize his comments in the next few days.


NYIP Instructor's critique Unit 2


NYIP Unit 2 Photo Project