Embracing Solitude
In October 2019, I was again privileged to partake of a workshop by Freeman Patterson and Andre Gallant in St Martins, New Brunswick, Canada. I wanted, no, I needed, to return and make sure I had not missed anything from the first go round last year.

Lost in the Fog
I was visiting California last spring and I had promised Jenna, my niece, that we could do some shooting together so off we went. I never should have let her drive! We were heading up to the top of Mt Tamalpais, close to where I grew up, and Jenna decided to show me how well her little Honda could corner on the twisty roads. Turning green, I had to make her stop so I could regain my equilibrium. I never did. At least I didn't ruin her nice car.

We Leave Before We Are Gone
I haven't written for awhile, even though I've been busy with photography. Actually, very busy, but something has been on my mind that I cannot really put into words, let alone photographs. Nevertheless, I will try to weave things together as I go… Winter came to Arizona in the form of a 100 year snow.