Maybe I am going crazy. I don’t think so, but it’s possible. I feel like the world is cartwheeling towards a new stage of evolution, an inexorable grind into something inevitable, slouching perhaps towards a new destiny, a new normal? Inevitable. Unavoidable. Necessary. Smart. Scientific. Safe. But is it? Can we really live our lives without risk?

Lost in the Fog
I was visiting California last spring and I had promised Jenna, my niece, that we could do some shooting together so off we went. I never should have let her drive! We were heading up to the top of Mt Tamalpais, close to where I grew up, and Jenna decided to show me how well her little Honda could corner on the twisty roads. Turning green, I had to make her stop so I could regain my equilibrium. I never did. At least I didn't ruin her nice car.

When does a photograph become a painting?
My dad saw one of my recent photographs and told me how it brought to mind a particular favorite author, Zane Grey. He went on to say that the image reminded him of The Call of the Canyon, his most liked story. To have catalyzed such a memory, any memory, any emotion, is the desire of the photographic artist, at least it is for me and I thought I should explore further.